My little 5 month old

I know I am a bit late this month but we had family visiting from Alaska. When you only get to see your family 1-2 times a year our world tends to stop spinning while they are around :-). This was the first time that my in-laws got to see Noah. My mom came down right after he was born so all that is left is my dad. He is planning on making the trip sometime next month!

Since last month Noah has learned to sit up by himself and he discovered his feet! I also can see some teeth outlines on his bottom gums. I think this month might be the last time I get to capture his gummy smile :-). He is growing up… Sometimes it makes me sad, but it is so much fun watching him discover and learn new things. The lighting wasn’t perfect, but life isn’t perfect and I love that I have this moment in print. I want to always remember how sweet this time in his life was <3
