2016Huntsville & Madison Fine Art Photographer – Something a little different…
The Fall season is SO busy and crazy around here. I do have a method to the madness, and it worked like a well oiled machine this past year, but by the end of November I am super ready for a break! Fortunately, most people aren’t looking for family photos in December or January so I do get a breather. During my little break I soak in all of the tutorials, workshops and new skills I can get my hands on. Come February I am ready to go again (to try out everything I have learned over the past 2 months) but the weather is never quite as ready as I am. lol. Fortunately I have a really great friend who is willing to freeze her butt off for me <3
I put this shoot together specifically to flex my newfound skills and to try out specific techniques that I had been dying to put in to action. It may not be in the style that I normally shoot in but I had so much fun experimenting and coloring outside my typical lines. :-)
A huge thank you to Break Free Beauty for the gorgeous makeup <3
This shot was my overall favorite. This image is a composite of 3 different photos. I changed it from day to night, added the snow and created the lamp light.
Fine tuning my overlay skills with complicated skylines.
Combining multiple photos to create movement and a “spooky” feeling
Turning day in to night only using Lightroom
Just because ;-)
Creating reflections without any water.
And the next 3 are just some other favorites from the session.
Now that I have been able to fine tune my new skills I am super excited to start incorporating them in to my clients sessions. We all need a little magic in our lives and I can’t wait to see what it will bring to JMP in this next year!
I specialize in Fine Art Photography (Children, Newborn, Birth, Families & Weddings)
focusing on unique bonds & beautiful connections that are found in relationships.
Relda J. Ogleton
Of course I love these pictures because they are my Granddaughter and her daughter, my great granddaughter. I must add that the photographer is SUPERB!!!!!!!! What a dynamic threesome they are!!!!!!!
Relda J. Ogleton
Relda J. Ogleton
Absolutely awesome !!!!!!!!!!!!