2016Learn your camera class – Madison Alabama
Hey Y’all!!!
I have a pretty exciting thing to share. I get lots of questions about how to take better photos of kids and how to use a “nice camera”.
First off, I love it when I get questions because it is a huge compliment. The part I struggle with though is that a 5 minute conversation just isn’t enough time to really do the topic justice.
I totally get it! Those beautiful “Mom and Dad moments” that no one else is around for (especially not a pro photographer) slip away. The reason I started this photographic journey was because I wanted to make my children’s childhoods tangible and have images that reminded me of those sacred times.
I want to help you capture your own moments and make them beautiful!I I am sure that about half of you out there got new “fancy” cameras for Christmas. Come learn how to use it and do your memories justice.
The top image was taken in Automatic and the bottom was taken in Manual Mode.
I have invested a LOT of money in to camera equipment but the truth is that it doesn’t make any difference if I leave it on automatic… A better camera wont take better pictures if you don’t know how to use it.
JMP Learn Your Camera Class
I have put together 2 classes that will focus on learning how to really use that new camera AND how to edit those photos to make them a tangible memory to keep forever. Both classes are scheduled for March 5th in Madison Alabama and will be limited to 10 seats.
***The morning session will be all about teaching you how to get off of automatic and start shooting in manual mode!!!
***The afternoon will be dedicated to teaching you how to take your images to the next level through editing.
You don’t have to come to both sessions but there is a discount if you decide to come for the whole day.
For more information shoot me a message or click on the link.
Hope to see you there!!!
More information can be found here http://jennimphotography.bigcartel.com/
and of course, if you have any questions, shoot me a message,
email (jennimphotography@gmail.com)
or give me a call (907-942-2358) :-)
Huntsville Alabama Camera Classes | Camera Information
[…] Learn your camera class – Madison … – Jenni M Photography is not your average Huntsville Alabama Family, Child and Newborn photographer. Each session is treated with care … […]
Amber Abernathy
Hi. What are the times of your classes? I think I might be interested. Thanks #
Karen Chandler
Are you going to be offering this class again sometime in the future? I am interested in taking it but wasn’t able to attend today.
I will be offering it again :-) If there is enough interest I will most likely do it later this year in June or July.