2014The quiet moments…
Ever since our 4th child was born in August it seems that life has just never gotten back “under control”. We had a newborn, my husband began his fall semester, we started our home school year, the fall busy season for JMP started up and now the holidays… I am exhausted, grouchy and typically just trying to play catch up most of the time now. This is so foreign to me… I know I am doing a LOT… It just feels like the crazy is creeping in to my life. lol
There have been more days than I care to admit that I just want to bury my head under a pillow to just drown out the noise. To block out the constant chatter of a 4 year old, to not hear the fighting, or even the squealing of a good time, to not hear my 4 month old cry any more during one of her fussy days… I love them more than my own life, more than anything on this earth but sometimes my ears are just tired.
Sometimes I lay in bed at night, looking at Pinterest, playing candy crush or just browsing for my next idea and I can’t keep my eyes open. I forge ahead and force my eyelids open for just a few more minutes only because I know as soon as I fall asleep the quiet will be gone. The next conscious moment will be filled with a baby wanting to eat or a child with a bad dream or a “morning mommy” and the chatter will begin again… Just a few more minutes… Sometimes I feel like I wait all day for those few quiet moments…
This morning I woke up early, not for any specific reason except I needed to get some things done in the quiet. I have been wanting to take some photos of them sleeping but have just never followed through… I am so glad I did <3 These little people are such a precious gift and this is just a season. The images remind me that I need to soak in their littleness, it wont be around for long. Even as I type this I have my baby in my lap and has fallen asleep to the clicking of the keyboard. They grow up so fast. In the mean time, when I am overwhelmed and my ears are tired I need to choose my moments, the quiet moments, and rest in the knowledge that God has made me to be enough. Even though I may not think the strokes of daily life are beautiful by themselves right now, our life IS beautiful and I need to remember that and change my perspective a bit…
I love you. I love your heart for you family. I love your little ones.
Susan Nymeyer
You express, so beautifully, my own heart when you were all growing up. My quiet time was around 4 am when Kristin was a baby. I have no idea how that happened, but I coveted the quiet and the time to think uninterrupted thoughts. I love you. Wish I was closer to give you a few more quiet moments by adding their activity and chatter to my own life.