2021Fenley Family Photos – Photographer for Huntsville, Madison, Athens & Hazel Green Alabama
Funny story…
Before every session I shoot, I have some sort of conversation with my clients to discuss location and time. It typically goes something like this…
Hello! Here are a few different location options that are great this time of year.
- My property (my favorite location by far, and not just because I live here. lol)
- North Harvest
- Downtown Huntsville
- Your own home
You get the idea… I have a session I have shot at each location linked, so they can see what each location looks like. In this particular instance, they chose to shoot their session on our property, and I replied “Great! See you at 6:30!”
Fast forward a couple of days, it’s 6:30 am, and my husband and I are still in bed, and the doorbell rings… We have a nifty Ring Doorbell, so my husband says “Can I help you?”, and the reply was “We are here for a photo shoot.”
Ohhhhh crap!!! (Insert the crying/laughing emoji here!) I knew IMMEDIATELY what had happened. It was 100% my fault for not specifying am/pm when I sent the time!
So I threw on some clothes, popped my head out and explained, and said I would be ready in 10 minutes. MAN I was embarrassed!!!
As we walked through the fields documenting their family, we started chatting a bit, and I realized what a perfect accident this turned out to be.
- Their little girl is typically quite a lot less happy in the evenings, but as you can see, because the shoot was in the morning, she smiled through the WHOLE SESSION!
- They chose to shoot their session on my property, so I was able to grab my gear and we were only delayed by about 15 minutes. Had they chosen a different location, I would have been up a creek without a paddle!
- The temperature was absolutely lovely that morning, but it got quite a lot more humid as the day wore on. An evening session would have been very uncomfortable.
- By the evening, we had solid clouds in the sky, but their morning shoot had lots of blue sky and sunshine. <3
I am so pleased with not only how these images turned out, but I am also tickled by how much better they are because of a “happy accident”. lol. With that said, I plan to learn from my mistake and ALWAYS use am/pm in the future. (Photographing families for almost 8 years and this was a first!) I am so thankful that it worked out this time, but I don’t ever want to roll the dice and test it again! I am also reminded of how incredibly gracious these sweet parents were to wait as I gathered my equipment.
Thankful doesn’t fully describe it. <3
Pricing questions? Check out my packages! –> Packages
To book a session call (907-942-2358)
or email jenniMphotography@gmail.com
I would love to hear from you!
I specialize in “Family” Photography (Children, Newborn and of course Families) with a focus on genuine moments.
I love this approach as it helps me focus on showcasing beautiful connections
while incorporating the imagination of the every day magical moments.
Linda Cortelli
great story and what a beautiful family. The truly look happy together.
Thank you! All I had to do was smile at their little girl and she would smile right back. She was the sweetest thing!